24 December, 2013
Just in time for the holidays! Access your organization's calendar from an external calendar program, such as Outlook, iCal, Google Calendars, and mobile devices.
We've just added an external calendar feed for hooking up the RoomTime calendar to various external calendar programs, including mobile devices! You can enable it on the Admin | Options page within the app. Once you enable it, copy the displayed URL to add it as a calendar subscription to your app of choice.
Keep in mind that the calendar is a publicly accessible URL (no login required), which includes all the bookings within RoomTime. The URL does have a bunch of random characters to make it hard to guess, however.
This feature is great to share the calendar with the rest of your team, or have it easily available wherever you go. A number of our clients have event calendars on their web sites, and this feature can be used to feed the Google Calendar which hosts the schedule. As mentioned above, this is really only appropriate if your bookings are meant to be publicly available anyway. But don't worry; we're working on private calendars as well.
Happy Holidays to all our clients! See you in 2014!